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Kristi regularly provides expert advice about dog training and behaviour topics. She may be reached via her contact form.
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The Best Outdoor Doghouses, According to Dog Owners and Veterinarians
By Janine Annett
August 3, 2023 on The Strategist by NYMag.
Kristi Benson, a dog trainer from British Columbia, Canada, who has worked with sled dogs, says a good doghouse for cooler climates should be insulated but not too roomy so the dog’s own body heat can help warm it up (though it should be big enough for them to comfortably turn around and lie down).
11 Tips to Create a Dog-Friendly Yard, Straight From the Pros
By Ryan Castillo
September 22, 2021 on Redfin.
Big holes and unseemly dirt piles are usually not what a homeowner thinks about as “yard perfection.” The best way to handle this and create a dog-friendly yard is by creating a digging pit.
Easy dog treat recipes that will save you money
By April Neale
January 27, 2021 on MSN.
Oysters and eggs give a double protein punch with loads of trace minerals "This recipe provides something new and delicious to train my dogs. It's great for rewarding behavior because it's aromatic and delicious and it cuts nicely into small squares and doesn't crumble," Canadian pro dog trainer Kristi Benson says.
What to Do With Your Puppy: Expert Dog Training Advice
By Hermann Samano
December 16, 2020 on
“There are a few different kinds of training you’ll want to do with your new puppy. The first, and by far the most important, is socializing! Puppies’ brains are like sponges, and they are learning all about their world....”
15 Everyday Habits of Great Dog Owners
By Charlotte Hilton Andersen
December 03, 2019 on Reader’s Digest.
You let your dog sniff all the bushes
Most of the time people want their dog to conform to their lives but a great pet owner makes time for their dog to just be a dog. “You give your dog the gift of a sniff-filled walk or playtime with other dogs, playing in the way that makes the dog, not necessarily the humans, happy,” Benson says.
Should You Take Your Dog to the Dog Park? The Answer May Surprise You.
By Jillian Blume
August 2, 2019 on This Dog’s Life.
“If you head to the dog park, and your dog pulls you over to get through the gate, they are telling you they love it, so continue going,” says Benson. “If your dog hangs back in the car or acts scared in the park (hides behind you, tucks tail, doesn’t play or investigate dogs at all), they are telling you they are not having fun: listen to them!”
Never Lose a Pet: 8 Steps to Take NOW
By Monica Weymouth
ND on Great Pet Care.
“Training a strong ‘recall’ is a great safety behavior for most dogs,” says professional dog trainer Kristi Benson. “Dogs who have been trained to understand that coming to their owner is an exciting thing will be much more likely to turn around and head back if they hear their recall cue.”
Teaching a reliable recall requires time and plenty of positive reinforcement (after all, returning to you has to be more fun than catching the squirrel). Benson recommends finding a local class that focuses on reward-based training.
How To Potty Train An Older Dog The Right Way
By Danielle Esposito
March 11, 2022 on The Dodo.
Whether you just adopted an older dog or the one you’ve had for years needs a bit of a refresher, you might be wondering what it’s like to potty train an adult dog.
The Dodo reached out to Dr. Corinne Wigfall, a veterinarian working with SpiritDog Training, and Kristi Benson, a dog trainer and owner of Kristi Benson Dog Training, to find out the secrets to potty training an older dog.
200 Compelling Female Bloggers Of 2020
By Bridget Baltazar
November 14, 2020 on Lady Boss Blogger.
Kristi is a dog trainer, sled dog expert, and academy tutor. She enjoys reaching dog owners through writing and manages a funny and entertaining dog training blog.
4 Reasons Your Dog is Eating Weird Stuff
By Diana Bocco
November 20, 2019 on The Honest Kitchen Blog.
Our dogs, despite all the changes that domestication has wrought, still enjoy some wolf-like activities, according to Kristi Benson, a dog trainer who holds a Certificate in Training and Counseling (CTC) and is a fan of skijoring (cross-country skiing attached to a dog). “And we do know that chewing is good for dogs for a few reasons—it is a healthy exercise for their jaws, it can help keep their teeth clean as part of a good dental hygiene program, and it is a mentally enriching boredom-buster,” Benson says.
10 dog park tips that'll help you avoid issues with other pets — or their owners
By Emma Sarran Webster
July 9, 2019 on
It may be tempting to take your hyper, new puppy to a park right away, but it’s not wise. Kristi Benson, a dog trainer and owner, suggests waiting until your pet is at least five months old before heading to the park, as puppies first need to learn proper socialization in smaller, more controlled environments.
If you want your dog to interact with others but they're too young, “look for a good puppy class that limits participation to dogs under about four months, allows a lot of free play and is taught by a trainer who only uses positive reinforcement,” Benson advises.
Top 50 Dog Training Bloggers
ND, on Thoroughly Reviewed.
Kristi Benson – Kristi is a professional dog trainer with 10+ years experience and a graduate of the Academy for Dog Trainers. On the pages of her blog, readers will find an array of valuable information on all aspects of dog behavior and training. Articles like Let Sleeping Dogs…Lie? that discusses waking a dog from sleep and many others can be a real help to a struggle dog owner. If you are having behavior problems with your furry kid such as them stealing things, you’ll find tips and information in Kristi’s blog. Readers will have a lot to go through and learn from that will make returning to this blog often a benefit to their own relationship with their dogs.
Why Does My Dog Lie On My Clothes?
By Danielle Esposito
May 14, 2022 on The Dodo.
If you toss your comfy sweatshirt on the couch and walk away, odds are your dog’s going to curl up on it — not only does it smell like you, but it’s also right where she usually takes a nap!
“Our clothes might also end up in piles in places where dogs like to make a bed for the night, [like] our bedrooms, as many dogs like to sleep in the same room as their human family,” Benson told The Dodo.
The Best Way to Potty Train a Puppy
By Diana Bocco
February 15, 2020 on The Honest Kitchen Blog.
“We really want the dog to find the behavior of urinating outside to be the best thing ever, and reinforcement is the name of the game here,” says Kristi Benson, who holds a Certificate in Training and Counseling (CTC) from the Academy for Dog Trainers. “And since reinforcement must come immediately after the dog potties, this means that the owner must be outside with them…every time.”
Here's How To Get Your Dog To Stop Jumping On People, According To Experts
By Carolyn Steber
August 16, 2019 on Bustle.
"It’s useful to train a dog to sit or remain standing instead of jumping up, because many people find jumping dogs to be unpleasant or even scary," Kristi Benson, CTC, certified dog trainer and author of an online course to train jumping dogs, tells Bustle. It's also not great if they jump on small kids, she says, or older folks. And, if your dog has dirty feet, Benson says, "you’ll appreciate the knowledge that your dog will likely remain four-on-the-floor after some training."
How to Keep Your Pets from Destroying Your Plants
By Jillian Kramer
May 21, 2019 on Martha Stewart.
Plants offer everything a toy does: Something to chew on, bat at, or otherwise use to occupy time. If you see your pet playing with a plant, do a check: Are their toys accessible? Do they have enough to attract their attention? Then consider adding additional toys to your home. For dogs, Kristi Benson, CTC and owner of Kristi Benson Dog Training, recommends using toys such as Kongs-a chew toy in which a treat hidden can be inside-to distract them.
Why do food rewards win, but not for separation anxiety?
By Julie Naismith
ND, on Subthreshold Training.
Scary/unpleasant stuff paired with food is a powerful combo, so much so that plenty of trainers use the one-two punch on a daily, if not hourly, basis. I asked pro trainer and Academy for Dog Trainers coach and mentor Kristi Benson about her approach to counter-conditioning, and why she’s never seen out without her bait bag full of chicken.
“I live with a large crew of active and athletic sled dogs, many of whom came from racing kennels and have found adjusting to pet dog life to be a gloriously fun—but sometimes, frightening—challenge.