The “Calm, Cool, and Collected Dog”, is a course aimed at those over-active dogs who jump up on their owners and guests and who pester (such as by mouthing) their humans as well.
The Calm, Cool, and Collected Dog is all about answering a few of the main questions I hear from dog owners: “How do I stop my over-eager dog from jumping?”, “How can I prevent my dog from begging at the table?” and “Why won’t my dog ever settle down?” Many dogs love jumping up and pestering, so in this course you will learn to train your dog to be a much easier companion. Instead of jumping up, they'll learn to sit politely. Instead of mouthing or biting clothes, they'll learn to lay on a mat. And instead of making googley-eyes at your guests during supper, they'll be resting nearby on a mat, as polite as anything.
What's in the course
Training Plans - The plans within the course are designed to make it easy for you to follow along with the course in a straightforward way, removing guesswork.
Video Demonstrations - I’ll walk you through each step of the plan, so you can see exactly what the training looks like.
Lessons on Dog Behaviour - Understanding how dogs learn is an important piece of the puzzle. This can help us make better decisions, which are more in line with the needs of both species- human and canine.
Discussion Forums and Support - You’ll be able to get cheerleading and support from your fellow course-mates and me. You’ll also be able to post video of your progress and show off your proper pooch if you’d like.
Join this course now! It costs just $49USD, which gives you full access for a year.
This course has been approved for 5 CEUs with the Pet Professional Accreditation Board and 5 CEUs for trainers with CCPDT.