Are you having issues grooming your dog?
If your dog runs and hides as soon as the nail clippers or shampoo come out, you are not alone! Basic grooming is challenging for many dogs and their people. There are all kinds of “quick tips” out there that may work once or twice but then you’re back to struggling to get nails trimmed.
Whether you have a dog with a long history of hating grooming or a new puppy and want to start out right, this course is for you. You’ll learn how to help your dog love grooming and ways to make it easier for you too! Instead of running and hiding, they’ll be happily laying down ready for their mani/pedi and it will be something you both look forward to.
This course, taught by the fantastic Jane Wolff of Good Wolff Dog Training, uses step by step training plans and video demonstrations to guide you through:
Nail trims (or Dremeling)
Additionally the course includes extra training plans for basic behaviours to make grooming easier and management ideas to get some relief fast. These new behaviours will serve other husbandry needs such as cleaning your dog’s face or ears You’ll gain the skills and knowledge needed to take the plans further and help your dog continue to be comfortable having stuff done to them throughout their life.
“I just completed the grooming course. I absolutely loved it. I own a grooming salon and this is going to be fantastic to apply to our clients.” - N.C., New Jersey
All this cool stuff, PLUS support! Throughout the course you’ll be able to ask questions and get feedback on your progress. All the plans are downloadable as well so you can refer to them as often as needed.
Sign up here for this course, which costs $49.00USD for one year of access.
This course has been approved for 9 CEUs through CPDT and 3 CEUs with the Pet Professional Accreditation Board.
Photo: Pipalana | © Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images