Top Ten "But Someone Else Is Training That With Food Treats, So Why Are You..."
Earlier today I took a personality test for fun. Turns out I’m a very cheerful person who might be a titch lacking in the “conscientiousness” department (luckily, my low score there means I don’t actually care about my low score there, in an hilarious and cheerful self-improvement coup). My cheer usually allows me to wade through my life as a dog trainer without paying too much attention to some of the less savoury aspects of my profession, but even an accomplished cheer…er? like me can’t always avoid the hard and horrible stuff that people do to dogs every day in the name of training. In case you need to join me, I’ll be yelling this list at the moon tonight, after a heartbreaking photo of two scared dogs wearing shock collars slithered past my defences.
Someone else is a training a fast, reliable recall with food treats, so why are you using a shock collar?
Someone else is training their dog to walk nicely beside them with food treats, so why are you using a prong collar?
Someone else is training their dog to do basic obedience behaviours like sit, down, and stay with food treats, so why are you pushing your dog’s body around?
Someone else is training their dog to retrieve using food treats, so why are you pinching an ear?
Someone else is training their dog to stay in a down using food treats, so why are you throwing a can full of pennies at your dog?
Someone else is training their dog to refrain from barking using food treats, so why are you using a collar that sprays lemon into your dog’s mucous membranes?
Someone else is training their barking, lunging dog to walk on by instead, so why are you using a choke collar?
Someone else is training their dog to hop off the couch using food treats, so why are you yelling?
Someone else is training their dog to scream at the moon at midnight that training has changed and is kinder now…oh wait, that’s not a dog, that’s me, that’s what I’m doing.
Join me. Awooo.